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Libraries & Challenged Books

Banned or challenged books are books that people have tried to remove from libraries or limit access to because they object to the content. Public libraries have a duty to promote the freedom to read and access to diverse viewpoints, by giving access to a wide variety of viewpoints--even if they may be controversial.

Libraries are places of intellectual freedom and free expression, as explicated in Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries from the Canadian Federation of Library Associations.

Resources regarding current events

Resources to help and inspire you

  • The Book Sanctuary Movement - A Book Sanctuary is a physical or digital space that actively protects the freedom to read. This initiative was launched by Chicago Public Library in 2022 to  bring attention to challenged titles, and commits to making these books accessible.
  • Freedom to Read Week - The Freedom of Expression Committee monitors censorship issues in Canada, organizes the annual Freedom to Read Week, and produces an information kit each year on issues of intellectual freedom.
  • On Civil Society - Toronto Public Library's amazing online and in-person program series: "... pushes boundaries and explores our differences. Programs take you deeper in the issues affecting our world today and encourage you to take part in conversations where you can expect to challenge your own perspectives and learn from one another through civil discourse."

Related Policies

VS-01 Core Principles

OP-09 Collection Development & Management

Intellectual Freedom | British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)

IFLA Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom